
  • Testimonials

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    Please tell us about your comfort gut success!
    The horses Comfort Gut has helped...

    Fussy Eater

    So far so good
    "I'm noticing after only a week on Comfort Gut teddy is quieter to handle, he was strong and going through hay very fast. he needs more of it but so far so good"" Ciara Lawless
    Highly Recommend Comfort Gut
    "i would highly recommend comfort gut i use it on 2 of mine with fantastic results, both mine windsuck, 1 hard to get condition on before putting on comfort gut, other one is so much better to work with ridden an handling, excellent stuff"" Alison Smith
    Loving his food now
    My boy has only been on comfort gut just over a week and already noticing a huge difference in him and how much he is loving his food now
    Results are amazing
    I have just ordered my 2nd tub of comfort gut. My pony has been using comfort gut for 3 weeks now and the results are amazing. He is eating happily licking his bin clean twice a day. Healthy manure even in a scary situation. He is holding his weight and building beautiful new muscle. He is an awesome little guy to be around really chilled and cool. I look forward to continuing to use this great product and thoroughly recommend it to everyone.
    Overall very happy!
    Since starting Flash on Comfort Gut she is like a different horse. She no longer kicks in her stall and eats all her grain where before I would struggle to get her to eat anything besides a rice bran mash. I have a very ulcer prone horse on it as well. She is maintaining weight and even putting some on. I am looking forward to seeing how it helps her deal with the stress of travelling and competing. Overall very happy with everything we have seen so far!
    It's affordable and it WORKS
    I've trialled comfort gut on several horses now, and I am so impressed with the results. A new tb arrived from interstate, after 10 days he was still constantly pacing, neighing, running around his paddock and wasn't eating properly. I started him on comfort gut one evening, the next day he had settled, was no longer constantly pacing, running around neighing and had started to eat. My main horse was exhibiting signs of stomach discomfort. He would wind himself up, then his stomach would start churning and obviously get upset and he would start misbehaving and carrying on. I started him on comfort gut, his droppings firmed up and when out he feels like he starts to wind himself up but it never progresses past a couple of minutes of being a bit on his toes. I am so impressed with this product, its affordable and it WORKS. Thank you Comfort Gut!

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